Career Planning Steps

Six Career Planning Steps

This form provides a starting point for completing a six-step career plan. It provides a basic structure for understanding your skills and interests, setting career goals, and devising strategies to achieve them.

Career Planning Steps

Six-Step Career Planning Process

Planning Step Description/Activity/Action
Step One — Knowing Yourself: Key interests, values, skills, likes/dislikes, and lifestyle preferences. What sorts of things are most important to a gratifying career?
Step Two — Exploring Career Options: Should you continue on your current path or pursue alternatives? What kind of work appeals to you? Do you need new knowledge or skills?
Step Three — Making Decisions: What factors influence your decision? Are there significant needs or barriers you should consider, e.g., time, finances, family obligations?
Step Four — Setting Goals: Write a career goal that is SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound).
Step Five — Taking Action: What actions (short- and long-term) can you take to accomplish your career goal? What tools and resources will you use?
Step Six — Making Adjustments: Think about evolving trends, workplace changes, new technology, etc. that may impact your goal. Adjust accordingly.

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