Unemployment Compensation is a Major, but Controllable, HR-Related Cost
Unemployment compensation (UC) is a big expense for any size employer, and even voluntary separations can result in liability.
Nothing reduces UC costs more than rapid reemployment of separating employees. Shorter terms of unemployment result in a
better UC experience rating, thereby reducing an organization's UC tax or reimbursement rate.
Traditional outplacement typically covers less than 2% of workforce separations. Job Hunter Pro covers 100% for
optimal UC cost control.
Job Hunter Pro's ultra-outplacement covers 100% of an organization's separating employees, regardless
of reason for separation, and for as long as needed. As a result, it can have a huge impact on UC costs; at little or no
cost to your organization. Ask any other outplacement provider what this kind of coverage would cost and you'll appreciate
the significance of this feature. See UC Cost Saving Opportunities
to learn more.
Enter your organization's data into the UC Outplacement Impact Estimator below. You'll then be presented with a table
and narrative of your cost-saving potential. Enter several scenarios to see a range of possibilities. When it comes to bottom
line contributions, you'll discover it's strategic HR at its best. And this is just one of many ways you can benefit.