Getting Started ...
The Job Search eBook is a comprehensive tool to help you plan and manage your job search. It will guide you through the maze of research and preparatory tasks necessary to get a job interview in today’s highly competitive job market. The eBook is integrated with a variety of tools and resources to help you in your job search and do your best during the job interview process.
Since every job seeker has a unique background and possesses different levels of job-search experience, we've designed flexible learning paths; including our Jump Start, Eight-Step Job Search, and the indepth knowledge provided by the Job Search eBook. Each learning path supports and compliments the others.
here with the Job Search eBook for an in-depth learning experience. It is a
concise way to learn the all the essentials of searching for a new job. It includes
information on resume preparation, networking, interviewing, frequently asked
interview questions, negotiating, and much more. It also contains sample resumes
and cover letters. Armed with this background, you'll be able to quickly incorporate
the other components in your job search.
The Interview Trainer will help you master the most critical factor in your quest for a new job. After reading the sections of the Job Search eBook covering interviewing, you'll be ready to review and practice answering interview questions from the 600+ sample questions provided. You'll also find a Mock (sample) Interview that will take you through a simulated interview from start to finish.
Use the Tools and Forms menus for additional resources to assist in the planning, preparation, and execution of your job search. These tools enhance the value of the other sections. You'll find tools to help in preparing resumes, a pre-interview checklist to be sure you're prepared, a post-interview critique form, frequently asked job interview questions, links to Internet job search sites, plus resume, cover letter, and thank-you note templates, a sample employment application form, and more.
For most people, it is best to start with this electronic book. It will give you a solid foundation in the job search process, including how to prepare an effective resume, and job interviewing tips that will serve you well throughout the job search process. Click on the eBook Menu on the left or the Next Chapter link below, to get started.
If you're in a hurry or you're looking for a quick review, our Jump Start will provide a fast and easy way to get an end-to-end view of the job search process. When you're ready for a more in-depth review, return to the eBook.